I was going to begin this post with a slew of stats and facts on how former (damn it feels good to say that) president George W. Bush was the worst president this country has ever seen. But instead of looking back at the past 8 (awful) years, we should look forward to what is to come from our new president....
I was off from work today, so I was lucky enough to catch the inauguration of our 44th president. I knew that I was watching an important piece of history, something that will never happen again....only because it simply can't. The first black president of the United States. I must admit, I never thought we would see the day. But now that I have seen the day, I am proud that our country has taken this giant step forward. Hopefully this is the beginning of a great presidency.
The turnout was amazing. It felt as though I was watching a documentary about the 1960's. There were people gathered as far as the eye can see.....stretching almost two miles from where President Obama was about to make his speech. And what a speech it was. Let's take it back for one second and just realize the severity and importance of what America has done in electing Obama as our president. Up until 1964 this country faced racial discrimination and segregation. Blacks were once slaves in this country, owned by the overpowering white America, like we now own cars. They were a possession. Blacks helped build most of the foundation of America against their will. Slaves even helped build the Capitol building and the White House in Washington, the very place Obama will live and take power for the next four years, if not more. The significance of this is beyond astronomical. It just really shows how a race of people that have fought through the hardest times imaginable can come to the highest position of power in the same country that they were once slaves to. President Obama marks a staple in American history that will forever change our racial landscape, but more importantly our human progress.
Having said this, let's look back on his speech. While the entire world watched, including the 3 million+ in attendance, Obama delivered a no-nonsense promise to the country (and the world) that he will turn things around. With all the craziness surrounding this day, the glaring media spotlight, the racial significance, and the restlessness of an entire country, the new president addressed the world with a steady hand. With the weight of the world now solely on his shoulders and the eyes of every supporter, doubter, admirer, cynic, and believer watching his every move, Obama did not falter. Instead, he addressed the issues surrounding this country and what was needed to fix them. He recognized the "crisis" that America is currently going through, and explained how we are entering "new era of responsibility", how we need to come together as a country. I'm excited by the ideas and potential of President Obama, and I'm hoping beyond hope that he delivers half of what is expected of him.
Even still, the job is a tough one. Imagine trying to clean up one of the worst eras of American history after the shittiest president ever treated his job like a joke. This is uncharted territory for America, and even with the promise that Obama will turn our economy around, create new jobs, build new homes, and keep our country safe from terrorists, it is still a pretty dark tunnel that we are about to enter. I am, however, of pretty sound mind. I have faith in President Obama, and I do believe things will get better in this country, even if it is not immediate (which it probably will not be). I'll leave with this one quote from his speech, which I liked and proudly stand by, "Know that America is a friend of each nation and every man, woman and child who seeks a future of peace and dignity, and that we are ready to lead once more."
Here's looking forward to the next 4 years.
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