well i'll start by saying happy new year! i have been really excited to start '09 for so long now.....and now that it's here, i feel pretty much the same, haha. i think i'm just really looking forward to the nice weather to start. i hate the winter.
things have been changing for me even still. and since i'm not a sad, depressed mother fucker anymore, this blog will be changing its purpose. basically i'm just gonna be writing about whatever comes to mind. i've reached a new point in my mind where i'm finally feeling more comfortable with myself than i've ever been......in my life. i no longer harbor feelings (or thoughts for that matter) for that mistake of an ex-girlfriend. in fact, i look back now and can't understand what i was thinking even dating her. i'm not going to go on a rant here about her....it would be in bad taste, and i'm not that kind of guy. but i will say that i couldn't be happier that i'm single.
i've been having a great time doing my thing. i really couldn't ask for a better group of friends. it's more like a family when we're all together, and it's one of the best feelings in the world.
but going back to new year's.....we had a sick time. every single person on that party bus was completely wasted, and it didn't stop until around 6am. gangsta. we basically took up an entire room at '4' with the entourage we had that night. there was no fucking around. i think it's safe to say that we rang in the new year right.

and about resolutions....i have a few this year. but they're more like goals really. i can't really get into the specifics, but hopefully a bunch of them will be talked about on here in the near future, haha. peace for now.
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