if there was anything i took from the 2+ months i lived on my own with the guys in valley stream it was:
-i love my fucking friends.
-i neeeeeed a bigger fucking bed!
-i know for a fact that i could live with other people without going insane.
-my love for sports was re-realized by having a sports game on on any given night.....thank you guys.
-freedom is a wonderful thing.
so the guys have moved to long beach, and i'm back to living at home. it's cool for now....but just for now. i literally just can't live here much longer. i'm long overdue to be living on my own, and i really can't wait for that next step in my life. i have about 3 days left until i find out if i get this full-time job or not, and i'm really excited about the possibilities. i've been working really hard for the past 6 months or so, whether it be on my career, at the gym, or working on my pimp-game (lol, i'm seriously kidding). but things have really been clicking for me lately, so getting this job would be the ultimate topper. i can't wait to start my career and start making some FUCKING MONEY!!! holy shit, that concept is so fucking cool. working saturdays? not anymore mother fucker! haha. well, i shouldn't start talking yet, because i haven't gotten the job yet. but here's to hoping.
so this weekend was really sick. friday night was pretty much just a chill-out night in long beach, where chef q made us a delicious dinner. saturday night was also spent in long beach, only with a bigger crowd. we all pre-gamed at the house and then went out to minnesota's and had a great time. sunday was a trip. i spent saturday night at roe's where neither of us got any sleep (not in that sense though, lol), and then had a wedding to attend later in the day. i think overall i got maybe 5 hours of real sleep this weekend......awful. but that only highlights the fact that i had a GREAT weekend. this girl is really fucking amazing. for some reason she's really into me, why? i don't know....but i like it. i'm having a great time, and i'm really looking forward to this summer and doing a lot of fun shit. my views on this summer completely changed from wanting to rack up numbers, to getting to know this amazing girl. we get along great, make each other laugh, have many of the same interests and mesh pretty well with each other's groups of friends.
i definitely didn't think that i'd be in this position at this point, considering how big of a game i talked about staying single for a looooong time. but these things happen. they come out of nowhere when you least expect it. and for me to ignore it or move past it because of some silly belief that i should be macking them all, is just dumb. i wasn't looking for this, but i found it and i'm looking forward to seeing where it goes.